The History of Xyber Wars
As billions perish in battles past, memories of the great stand true in our minds for ages to come. These pages hold brief history of the Xyber Wars rounds and documents those who stand out in victory.
In the Beginning
Xyber Wars' first publically open round commenced on the 13th of January 2007 and finally came to an end on the 27th of March 2007. Player 'Mikkel' set the standard for most powerful players becoming the first player to win a round of Xyber Wars. The all powerful alliance 'Carcass' raised the flag of domination as they stormed the first round leaving rival alliances far in the distance.
Below you will find the top players and alliance for each round of Xyber Wars. As the rounds progress, more advanced information is kept about the winning bases. Apologies for the lack of information from earlier rounds.
Round 1 began on the 13th of January 2007 and ended on the 27th of March 2007. The winning player was 'Mikkel' and the leading alliance was 'Carcass'
Top 100 Players & List of Alliances from Round 1.
Round 2 began on the 30th of March 2007 and is yet to end. Round 2 saw a multitude of issues in the game caused by server hardware issues, network outages and a couple of storming software bugs. It seems to ring true for the software development life cycle that the 'version 2' of the XW software was so unstable. That being said, there were some substantial improvements interms of features during Round 2; such as improved attacking algorithums and salvage units. Additionally to that, the start of Round 2 saw a increase in community activity - SpamsDelivious and DarkravenBW were both officially welcome to TEAM XW to help out with brainstorming forthcoming features, bug tracking and forum moderation. Development continued into Round 3.
Top 100 Players & List of Alliances from Round 2.

Round 3 began July 9th, 2007 and lasted 1800 ticks. It ended on September 23rd 2007. Round 3 was the first to end ontime, however there was a small void before the start of Round 4, as finishing touches were being made to Round 4. Round 3 was the most active round yet of Xyber Wars, great news. Round 3 saw the creation of 541 bases. Some sizeable bugs were removed this round. All in all a successful round, additional we won 'Game of the Month' at during this round. Some large changes were made behind the scenes during Round 3, set to go live at the start of Round 4.
Top 100 Players & List of Alliances from Round 3.

Round 4 began October 30th, 2007. It ended on December 27th 2007. Round 5 faced some attacking system woes, and also suffered a server failure which resulted in some data being lost both from the game and the server. Its fair to say Round 4 had it's troubles, but still a highly enjoyable round with some familar and some new faces getting envolved.
Top 100 Players & List of Alliances from Round 4.

Round 5 began February 10th, 2008. It ended on April 24th 2008. Round 5 was intended to be a continuation of Round 4, as many of the issues that faced attacking were still unresolved. That aside; Round 5 saw some great improvements including the openning of the newly completed Auction House. The auction house proved useful during the round and we didn't find any bugs with it, a victory for Taskforce's software development skills. At the end of Round 5 issues still remained that should have been patched up in Round 4. Unhappy with progress, Taskforce deicded to drop Xyber Wars back into private testing with a few select players. This does mean that Xyber Wars will be unavailable to the public for an undecided amount of time whilst all current issues are removed from the game and all features are finished, tested and debugged so watch this space ...
Top 100 Players & List of Alliances from Round 5.